“Mommy, I am bored.”

Do you ever wonder if this whole mindful parenting thing is ever gonna work? Sometimes it is easy to doubt yourself, especially when you see no results or have friends and relatives questioning openly your parenting style. Here is the thing, things will not work out over the night – that is not how things work. It takes time, a lot of repetition, and patience to see any results. As for the environment, holding loving and firm boundaries can make miracles and make you feel less distracted on your path to becoming the parent you want to be. So, here is something I wanted to share.

Just the other day, I was playing with my 4-year-old daughter her favourite game: we switched the roles, she was the mommy and me the child. At one moment, she said to me “Mommy now you can say that you are bored.” I was like, oh well, let’s see where that goes.

“I am bored mommy.” – I repeated.

“That is not for me to fix sweetie.” – she replied instantly my very well-known script.

I smiled to myself and continued playing. One day, all the things that we are teaching will sink in, and all the things that we put effort into will pay off, just that day did not come. Yet. It is yet to come, and that day we will realize how courageous it was to make the first step, to acknowledge that we can do better, that we have so many resources and so much more research in our hands and proven strategies to really make out the best of this journey.

I am looking forward to heading to this journey together with you.

Wishing you the best,


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